Friday, 12 May 2017

2017 CMS Proposed Changes to the Discharge Planning Standards and the IMPACT Act

Guidance on Discharge Planning Standards and the IMPACT Act

In this session, our expert speaker Sue Dill Calloway RN, MSN, JD, will provide a better understanding on the impact of the CMS proposed changes to the hospital discharge planning standards and the Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act (IMPACT)Act.

The CMS hospital proposed changes to the discharge planning standards and the federal law called the IMPACT Act are of high importance to hospitals including critical access hospitals (CAH). While the CMS hospital proposed changes will result in more work for hospitals and hospitals need to start thinking about how they will comply with things such as: a) rewriting the transfer form, b) collection of five new data elements, c) changes to the discharge evaluation form to collect five required standardized assessment elements which require five things to be included in all discharge instructions.

Under the new changes CMS will require medication reconciliation upon discharge and information on side effects of new medication. This will affect not only hospitals but home health agencies, inpatient rehab, SNF, and LTC hospitals. Also, under the new requirements, discharge instructions and discharge summaries will be required to be sent to the physicians within 48 hours.

Session Features:
  • Why the IMPACT Act was passed?
  • Reporting of Quality Measures for Long-term care, SNF, inpatient rehab & home health
  • 2016 CMS Discharge Planning proposed changes
  • Who does the hospital discharge planning process apply to?
  • 8 things to consider in evaluating the patient’s discharge needs
  • RARE: Reducing Avoidable Re-admissions
  • AHRQ Resources on hospital discharge and reducing readmission
  • What’s in your discharge planning P&P
  • The 5 things that you can’t miss in the discharge instructions
  • What are the many things now required being included in the transfer form?
  • Identify that the discharge summary and instructions will need to be sent to the primary care practitioner within 48 hours of discharge
  • Five things that must be in the standardized assessment form as required by the federal IMPACT law
  • Patient transfers and the 21 things you need to know
  • Care transition tools
  • Written discharge instructions

For more info attend this webinar- 2017 CMS Proposed Changes to the Discharge Planning Standards and the IMPACT Act

Live webinar on 18 May 2017 | Time: 11:30 AM PDT, 02:30 PM EDT | Duration: 90 Minutes.  If you cannot make it on the scheduled day, you can always buy our recorded session of the same anytime.

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